Feeding your team

Here’s what you get…

A directory of restaurants

We have special schemes for corporate. We welcome corporate tie-ups by which corporates can end up saving 10-30% annually by setting budgets.

If you have any special requirement or are looking for an ethnically diverse menu (kosher, vegetarianism, vegan, Paleo diet, the Raw Food diet, DASH Diet etc.), don’t worry as we have it all covered.

And the results?

Lower attrition - Timely delivery of food will keep the workers happy. Good quality and affordable meals at work desk will work as a bonus, hence its indeed a perk for workers. An online study reveals the results. Peapod, an online grocer, found that 56% are “extremely” or “very happy” at their current jobs. That number jumps to 67% for employees who get free food at work.

Affordability - Timely availability of food not only makes the worker happy but also ends up saving time and money. Time saved is time earned. As we all know time is money, thus revenue for the business without exhausting the employee.

Motivation for the workers - Healthy, affordable food right at their workstation is a very motivating factor for every worker. That is why companies like Zappos.com, DreamWorks Animation, Facebook and Google go this route.


Individual Meals

Allow employees to order for themselves. Just set budget limits.

Group Meals

Order as a group where all employees order from the same restaurant at the same time. Meals arrive together, separately bagged and labelled.


Order a gourmet spread for that special meeting, event or celebration. Order on-demand or in advance at your convenience.

Virtual Events

Why forget virtual employees who work remotely. Hence set a budget and guideline for each employee for them to order themselves a meal.

“So how does this work?”

We bill you monthly (No more expense reports)!

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The Best Food Delivery App

Now you can make food happen pretty much wherever you are thanks to the free easy-to-use Food Delivery & Takeout App.